Friday, May 16, 2014


The voice of God to our conscience is indeed and can lead us to success and blessing and the voice of devil is indeed too and can lead us to disaster and curse to us.
Opt to listen conscience careful and follow the right path or rather we fall under devil’s mouth and thinking is the God’s mouth speaking.
King David give me a good Lesson here, when the Anger of the LORD burned, then came the devil and he thought was God, and His conscience insisted to do census as if God permitted while was the Devil in action to curse Israel.


When a man lifts you up, it's definitely to the height of his hands, but when GOD lifts you up its limitless. Seek HIM now and forsake all else and be uplifted forever!!!
You see the law of gravity in science states that "anything that goes up must come down" but the law of aerodynamics states the best that "it is possible that something can go up and remain there"..
The devil is a liar.
You may be going through a tough time right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can.
Maintained Greatness, Prominence & Boldness is only through Jesus Christ and It is just by the Grace of God.
“Hata Mkuyu mkubwa huanza kama Mboga lakini cha ajabu Mkuyu ukishakuwa mkubwa hauwezi kurudi kuwa kama mboga hata iweje majira yaje na yapite unazidi kuwa imara zaidi”
Hivyo ujue katika kristo wa Juu hawezi kuwa wa chini bali huenda Juu zaidi ila wachini aweza kwenda Juu.
The Bible says in Philippians 4:13; I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
Zechariah 4:6 says…. Not by Mighty nor by Power but by the God’s Spirit.
Brethren, God takes care of everything in our life. He seeks to turn every bad experience we are going through into opportunity. Never Give up; Hope on the Best in Life and Act to Get it. God will surely uplift You and not a Man.
Keep the faith.


Mtegemee Yesu wa Nazareti kwa kuwa upendo wake ni wa hakika na kweli, na yeye ni mfano kwetu wa kufuata na kuigwa yale maisha yake duniani (yaani Maisha ya Yesu wa Nazareti) kwa maana utakatifu wote hupatikana katika yeye. Na ndio maana hata Biblia katika Yohana wa kwanza 4:8 inasema MUNGU ni PENDO; na siku zote upendo wa kweli hushinda maumivu, shida, dhiki, dhihaka, taabu, ubinafsi, upweke, karaha, manyanyaso, mateso, hila, lawama, laana na mabaya mengineyo yote (1 wakorintho 13: 1-13).

Isaya 53:2-5 inasema; Yeye (Yesu wa Nazareti) ni kama mzizi katika nchi kavu, alidharauliwa na kukataliwa na watu kwa