Wednesday, November 5, 2014


The power of Taste: I explain the sweetness of the Lord Jesus because I tasted Him in many ways, different situations and in different scenarios and He always satisfy my thirsty. If you also dare to do so you will never turn back and never be the same again. My mind is always in remembrance of Him His Kindness and love and I rejoice His presence in my life, because He is the main, big and only reason for my salvation and living.
You see this is what happens when the Lord Jesus became your part actually your Life because He promised us that ‘if only you will do the will of God then Him [God the father, son and Holy ghost] will dwell in you forever’. Have you ever tasted something and fail to explain its taste; if so you didn't taste it well, as the matter of fact the taste is what develops the desire of having it and use it again and again.  I want to make you envy now taste Him [Jesus] and you will never regret or wish to live without Him and He will never leave or abandon you.
This is your challenge, taste your creator today to see if He can not pour out all of His love to you  however He always in love with us, it just that we don't understand it, this is for sure and He will bless you abundantly.
Just say I love you Jesus. By the power of Holy Ghost let me taste you today, you are the Christ for me to be out of bondages and being free indeed and sure; make me a free soul in you now and a born again creature, Amen.


    Since good things inspire you to do the same and more, at the same time bad things also cause fear in you and through your conscience you will truly abstain from it. We couldn't worry about death if we didn't see human beings and other God’s creatures die; the same way we couldn't love to be righteous if we didn't see, hear or read about the rewards of those who were and are now righteous in the Lord. Having said so, don’t hate those who showed bad examples or did bad things or don’t hate the failures or losers, because in one way or another their cases are for you to know and study right or wrong things, and hence have that understanding on how to turn away from those bad things they did into good and good into best things, you see other things in life once we learn it in hard ways it really became a big lesson; it became better, forms discipline in us and even uplift our faith in Jesus and finally became the standard of living, this is to say that it renews the fear of the Lord our God in us. Therefore in all ways thank God for them for they became our case studies and specimen for us to live in right way which pleases God.
   Sometimes I think how my standard of living could have be or was supposed to be, if there were no examples of people to learn from them and follow if its good what they were doing and abandon if its bad, be it either by reading, seeing or hearing; mind you what we are currently doing is not new at all i.e. there are people caused it to happen by just allowing themselves to be used by it whether written, those we see or those we hear from different documentaries. This is why also Holy Bible was written by mere human beings like you and me with the inspiration of Holy Spirit, so don’t deceive yourself that you made a new thing, that's just chasing after winds as Bible says its really that; there is nothing new under the sun, whatever you are doing there are the people whether good doers or evil doers made a big lesson in you.
   This is also the reason why the Bible says love your enemies with all your heart; those who persecutes you and not only friends, for they are used to sharpen you into righteous way of living. Love all, like the way David loved King Saul or the way Jesus loved Judah Iscariot and the way Jesus loves the church, the way Elisha loved Elijah also, the way genuine Christians love Jesus Christ so as to learn from them and finally be like gold which passed through furnace fire. Be blessed in Jesus Christ name.