Matthew 25;
the parables of Jesus Christ that will make you understand the reason and
purpose of your existence into this world since when you were born from
heaven. This means you will understand
what have been installed in you and what you are supposed to do with it as per
God’s plan and will and the liability behind it?
Scenario as situation or circumstance can be
in anyway such like that one happened to leprous men at the gate in the days of
Elisha in 2 Kings 7, thus be spirited for God i.e. be determined for Him to use
Matthew 25: 1-13; Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened
unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the
bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil
with them: But the wise took oil in their
vessels with their lamps (Matthew 25:1-4). Each of ten virgins had a lamp i.e. light
of God; above that others took with them oil in their vessels and others not they
just took only lamps with no vessels of oil and
thus the different between them is what made other 5 wiser and other 5 foolish.
Here is the lesson; be determined how can you be sure of your light if you don’t
keep oil in your vessel, while continuous lighting is only option for God to
consider you in His eternal life? Therefore despite of your lamp which means
light in you, you need also to keep oil in your vessel to keep lighting; thus
keep oil I mean keep praying to have permanent light which is accountable to
God Almighty.
Matthew 25: 14-46; For the kingdom of heaven is as
a man travelling into a far country, who called his own
servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents,
to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several
ability; and straightway took his journey (Matthew 25:14-15). You see in
whatever situation be fit; nothing God do which is wrong because it might be
for you to be given less than others means you are better than them all, it can
also means it is in your capacity to be given less so, that you can be able to
control it all are answers, but the best thing is that Be determined! don’t leave
your mission in this world behind you because it is the only purpose for your
existence. Whether you are given less than others to God it might be so because there
is more strength God invested in you in the way that those given 5 or 2 are
likely equal to you who given only 1 or whether you are given more than others which
might also mean you have more to achieve/accomplish as long as you live in
this planet.
said so in every scenario you are in, be spirited so that God the father can use you mightily.
Lord Jesus of Nazareth help us to understand and have determination for the purpose which you sent us into this world to accomplish it as per God’s plan and will as long
as we live. Let we be determined without losing focus, by the power of Holy Ghost, Amen.