Wednesday, December 17, 2014


My strength is Renewed 
[Isaiah 40:31]
Thanks JESUS!!
Praise God, HALLELUJAH!!!
Transformation year 2015
 The year to experience supernatural 
impact of presence and power of God in my life. 
About this temple (Me, Myself & I);
2015 the year of increased holiness of life,
 accelerated conversion growth; gift & calling, 
reconciliation in relationships, and increased 
relevance to and participation in the society of God. 
This is the year of supernatural blessings in my life; 
the year of not conforming to the world 
but to Romans 12:2 warning.

Monday, December 1, 2014


You desire to be like Christian Ronaldo, ooh yeah! it's a good thing or even being more than him, but you are not until you challenge him.

Until you challenge the great, you are not yet great.

Note: No one can challenge God but a fellow human being for; God is greatest.

Your righteousness is discerned and determined in righteousness and never in unrighteousness.

Always the greater proves the greatness and the best in you.

Your greatness is because or due to the miss of the great.


It’s about God’s Kingdom