Tuesday, October 7, 2014


The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 10:19 that money is the answer for everything and it also says in Proverbs 14:24 that the crown of the wise is their riches.

Before Solomon had been ordained a King he had encounter with God after offered sacrifice <thousand of burnt offerings to Him>, there Solomon asked God to grant him understanding heart to be able to judge God’s people i.e. to have wisdom and knowledge above His people. God granted him wisdom and knowledge and because he didn’t ask for riches, wealth and honor like others God granted those too to Solomon to make that wisdom and knowledge more powerful (2 Chronicles 1:10-12 & 1 Kings 3:7-12).

Ecclesiastes 9:14-16 says about Poor wise man who delivered the city by his wisdom when a great king came against it, yet no one remember that Poor wise man and his wisdom was despised and his words were no longer heard. So having wisdom is better but as long as you are poor that wisdom can have value but not like that of a wise man who has riches, wealth and honor that one will be heard everywhere from bottom level <poor people> to the top level <rich people, kings, presidents, others men of authority> and his wisdom can be a standard of life of many.
As to King Solomon; God knew that not only what he asked could make him more powerful and respected i.e. wisdom and knowledge, but also by granting him riches, wealth and honor <those not asked by him> could make perfect combination and be the best ingredient for the wisdom and knowledge in him to shine more and more and heard even in the high places and in other worldly kingdoms.

Therefore Kingdom of God not only gives people everlasting life but also other blessings like riches, wealth and honor in this life. So, even though money is not everything but it’s the answer for everything as the preacher says and God knows, that’s why He says in Matthew 6:33 that seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all other things will be added to you. But note this the Bible doesn't say seek first money and all those things then later His kingdom and righteousness, Ooh no! this is simply because for that case it is hard to enter God's kingdom (Mark 10:21-30).

Thus desire Jesus of Nazareth in your life first; the Lamb of God that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing (Revelation 5:12); for you will be blessed like never before and He will made you possess those things possessed by the nations because all they possess is His.

But here is the warning in regard to the money the Bible NIV in 1 Timothy 6:10 says; "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs".

Therefore, though money answers all things but take care and make God the first in everything in you in Jesus Christ name.

Glory be to God, be blessed, Amen