Monday, March 7, 2016


12 hours some 24 hours daily just struggling to get money, And I wonder are we brought to the world just to search and make money?, This made me to think and ink this way because that is what men do always, they think always that "if i can get money of this amount, i will do this and this, some says let me go to school so that at last i can be employed to have money for this and this". It seems our mind is energized more when thinking about how to get money than anything else, and this is the truth. That is man where there is a money our hearts sometimes don't even reason, it just respond to it. The bad thing about money is that if you pour all your heart to it and not to GOD first, you will never be satisfied by it never rest except being slave of it.

And this will not change that, Money is the desire of every man to have it, and because of that we struggle day and night getting busy daily just for it. And all our daily busy activities men do, counting day 1 to 365 in every year is about money, so the high motive is money, the driving factor for many changes in humanity. According to the world that's the energizer to perform extraordinary things, even the world creativity mainly energized by money.

I see that this is a means of everything, though it is not everything. To those trusting GOD, His anointing is everything if you have God's anointing I believe you have everything.

Yeah! Money is good and there is Good Money, Having power to have money is a last resort in achieving many things in this universe. JESUS has that power "the anointing", He has power to give you good money seek Him first "the solution for this", you will be granted money power to do what pleases GOD and not your will while at the same time having peace of mind and heart which the world want but lack.

Follow JESUS first, to get enough of what your heart desire #Money.

His power is over it, get it from Him.

Deut. 8:18. Eccl. 5:10-12; 6:2; 10:19