Friday, October 30, 2015


        Is Government for the politicians only and not men of God? Why some say men of God are not allowed and it is not wise/right for them to be involved in the Government? Is it necessary that the one who wish to govern the country should use politics to convince people and not the good news/truth of God? Why segregation or is it not a part of God’s kingdom? Why then when we pray we say “your Kingdom i.e. God’s kingdom come, your will be done in this world as it is in heaven?” Then when this will be done to God’s people if it is not enforced? Kingdom – King of dominion is it not to be manifested in this earth or it is only in spiritual realm? Is it not the structures and systems of governments come from God as a copy of what is done in heaven? Why then not compatible for the men of God to be involved in it? Between them (Man of God & Politician) who is in the position of being honest to the people of God than the other? Is it not that for the men of God not to be involved in the government authority let the innocent people of God like children, widows, orphans, poor men, to miss some of their rights and became vulnerable of being ruled by politicians who operate under mandates of kingdom of darkness, plant fear to them, destroy their life, enforce knowledge which is against our Creator, oppresses them, make people slaves of the world? If the kingdom of God suffers violence is it not our role to take part in it spiritually and in the physical form, to justify our faith that works; that we are victors, conquerors, kings, priests in Christ? If not then who will rescue them because we know exactly that God uses people to do its works in the universe, and men of God avoid the positions in the governments to govern God’s people like the way Moses did?
          One thing I know that the light came to the world to push out darkness down to hell and not to abide with it, and if we succeed that the outcomes are not only in the spiritual realm but should also be in the visible world, it should be seen that at last JESUS Christ control the world and its systems and not the Satan and his kingdom of darkness. Because there is no way you can say you managed to push out darkness while in the high places, who sit in the chair/throne controlling the country is not God, and it is in our knowledge that the authority in the high places, like President in the government of the Country is from God for His people.