On this earth which we are living; there are
yokes, bondages, ties, burdens, oppressions, repressions, suppressions, tyranny and authoritarians. A man created by God is no longer a free soul for he lost that right of
having freewill in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3 that’s why there is
judgement day. The devil tricked a man on that right and that right was taken
away and that was a fall of man, so then man is only a free soul under conditions as long as he lives he is under the yokes whether he knows it or not, likes it or not; it can be yokes under God’s
kingdom or yokes under Kingdom of darkness. There is always authority above any
man which subdues him and it’s beyond his control. This is why the bible says in
Ecclesiastes 6:10 that it is well known that man cannot contend/dispute with one,
who is stronger than him, everywhere, there is a higher authority than what you
have which you can’t contend it than to be submitted to it as the only option. There
is always the good fight in spirit which only discerned spiritually on who is
superior to the other; and the one with more power control the one with less
power. This is indeed you can be relaxed but with yokes and by the matter of
fact, not all what you are thinking or doing all the time is by your free will,
no! but the power which subdues you controls you; your mind, thinking, actions,
etc all are held under the captivity of that power. That’s why also the bible says
from the days of John the Baptist till now the Kingdom of God suffers violence
and the violent people which means those men with authority and power take it by force
(Matthew 11:12) so, it is no longer a free soul with a freewill; it means if you are
not powerful those with power than you controls you whether you like it or not.
Therefore the yokes will always be there as long as you are on this earth, the
difference is that others will put yokes on you harshly and yokes which are
tough as long as you have less power and other will put yokes on you humbly and
that which is easy because of loving heart, others will lay on you heavy
burdens and other light burden. Only Jesus of Nazareth keeps the promise by His
saying that "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. "For My yoke
is easy and My burden is light"(Matthew 11:29-30). Therefore there is no
way you will be free on this earth until you encounter Jesus as the Lord in
your life, the yokes in Him its simply to bind you in Him so that the world cannot win over
you because the nature of the world is sin and sin means those bondages and
yokes from the kingdom of darkness.
But if you say you live your life and not of
Christ don’t deceive yourself that you are a free soul no, not at all you are
under yokes, you see even the top leaders in this world with all the authority granted
to them, they are still under bondages what more of you less-powered man. There
is no place to hide where you will term yourself a free soul; if you are not in
Christ, the world will bind you in many areas of your life. Notice also, the
judgement came and its day was already set because the Son of Man [Jesus of
Nazareth] had already been revealed in the whole world so, the might power is, until
you seek for it with all your heart through Jesus of Nazareth according to the principles of God in the
Bible and abide to Him, however note this; it is not mere power or having might power that counts you righteous no! above all is love. Remember! because of His love always God’s grace is sufficient to save all human kind but you have the role to play; seek Him first with all your heart and mind for His yoke is
easy and His burden is light, for sure He will not put you to shame but prospering you in every area of your life that is
JESUS, Son of Man, Son of God; the mighty God. Be blessed, Amen.